Primary Circulars

click here for time table

Book lists without rates 2020-2021

June Circular



Circular for the month of  March & April 2020

Circular– 20                              For  Std. I to IV                       Date : 02/03/2020


Dear parents,

With the month of March, we come to the end of this fun-filled, eventful year. It’s study time, with all the focus on portions , time tables and lots of revision. Let’s have a look into March.

Holidays :

Tuesday, 10th March  2020Dhulivandan
Wednesday, 25th March 2020Gudi Padwa
Thursday, 2nd April 2020Ram Navami
Monday, 6th April 2020Mahavir Jayanti


Saturday, 7th March 2020Interclass Poetry Recitation Competition (Std. I to IV)
 PTM  – Only for parents intimated by the class teacher
Friday, 20th March 2020 to


Friday, 27th March 2020

Internal Assessment
Thursday, 26th March 2020Art Exam.



P.T,Computer and Craft Internal Assessment will be according to the class time table




Final Written Evaluation   (Annual Exam)

Time table for Annual Examination

Day and DateSubjectTiming
Monday,30th March 2020English   I11 : 30 am. to 1 : 30 pm.
Tuesday, 31st March 2020Maths11 : 30 am. to 1 : 30 pm.
Wednesday, 1st April 2020Marathi11 : 30 am. to 1 : 30 pm.
Friday, 3rd April 2020EVS11 : 30 am. to 1 : 30 pm.
Saturday, 4th April 2020English  II9 : 00 am. to 11 : 00 am.

 Please note—

** 2nd April 2020 is Holiday on account of  Ram Navami.

** Thursday, 16th April 2020 – Open Day [ Timings – 11 : 00 am. to 1 : 00 pm.]

** Friday, 1st May 2020 – Report Day [ Timings – 09 : 00 am. to 10 : 00 am.]

** The summer vacation starts from Tuesday, 7th April 2020.




Checked by – ___________                                                             Headmistress


S.P.M. ENGLISH PRIMARY SCHOOL, PUNE Circular for the month of February 2020

Circular– 19                    For  Std. I to IV            Date : 03/02/2020


February the month of purification and realization, its name is derived from  “Februa.” With 2020, this February having 29 days i.e. a leap year, we have a list of things lined up. Let’s take a sneak peek into February.


Holidays :

Saturday, 1st Feb. 20201st Saturday of the Month
Wednesday, 19th Feb. 2020Shiv Jayanti
Friday, 21st Feb. 2020Maha Shivratri



Wednesday, 5th Feb. 2020Founder’s Day – School Timings – 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday, 7th Feb. 2020Intra School Drawing Competition
Monday,17th Feb. 2020G.K. Quiz Round I ( Std. II to IV)
Tuesday, 18th Feb. 2020Shiv Jayanti Celebration
Wednesday, 26th Feb. 2020G.K. Quiz Final Round  ( Std. II to IV)
Friday, 28th Feb. 2020Science Day Celebration


External Exams —-

Monday,3rd  Feb. 2020Paryavaran Exam


UNIT TEST – IV – Tuesday, 11th Feb. 2020 to Friday, 14th Feb. 2020


Checked by – ___________                            Headmistress


  2. Drawing competition— 

           Children have to enrolled their names online through website of Sakal Drawing Competition


Circular for the month of January 2020

Circular– 16                              for Std. I to IV                Date: 02/01/2020

Happy New Year to all the parents and students!  January brings us a lot of wintery mornings, recreational trips and competitions and exams. Let’s see, how we will begin our 1st month of 2020.



Wednesday, 1st Jan. 20New Year
Wednesday, 15th Jan. 20Makar Sankranti

School re-opens on Thursday, 2nd Jan. 2020 —- Regular School Timings. (Children can wear colour dress)


Thursday, 2nd Jan. 20Book  browsing  (for students)
Saturday, 4th Jan. 20PTM (Follow the slots given in calendar)
Tuesday,7th  Jan. 20


to Fri. 10th Jan. 20

Unit Test III (Std. I to IV)
Tuesday, 14th Jan. 20Makar  Sankranti Celebration
Thursday, 16th Jan. 20


& 17th Jan. 2020

Overnight Trip (Separate circular given)
Friday, 17th  Jan. 20Field Trip – Std. I to Std. III (Separate circular given)
Tuesday,21st  Jan. 20Spell Bee Competition (Std. I to IV) (Intra School)
Sunday, 26th Jan. 20Republic Day Celebration – A detailed circular will follow later.
Friday, 31st Jan. 20Month End, Regular School. Children can wear colour dress.


External Exams —-

Tuesday, 28th Jan. 20Unified International Math’s Olympiad  ( UIMO)
Wednesday, 22nd Jan. 20Whiz Kids – Spell Bee Competition – 3rd Round


(State Level)




Circular for the month of December 2019
Circular– 13 For Std. I to IV Date : 01/12/2019

It’s the end of yet another calendar year! With the concert around the corner, the practices are in full swing. Sports Day, Christmas and a few exams are in the offing. So, let’s take a look into the month of December.
Wednesday 25th December 19 X’mas
Thursday 26th Dec to Tuesday, 31st December 2019 Winter Break.
Wednesday, 1st January 2020 New Year

Monday, 2nd December 19 ‘One Nation Reading’ – Children to bring one good, story book to school.
Saturday, 7th December 19 Concert Practice, Full Day Regular school
Timing 11.30 am to 5.00 pm
Friday, 13th December 19 Primary Concert. ( Further details+ Invitation Cards will be send later.)
Monday, 16th Dec. to Friday, 20th Dec. Sports Week.

Tuesday, 24th December19 X’mas Celebration.

External Exams —-
Monday, 2nd December 19 Level II—Whiz Kid and Spell Bee Competition.
Wednesday, 4th December19 NSTSE
Thursday, 5th December 19 IMO
Thursday, 19th December 19 NCO

The Primary Concert Std I + II and Std III + IV will be on Friday, 13th December19 Std I + II – 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Std III + IV — 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Dear children and parents,
Please submit unique value based poems and stories, puzzles, crosswords, jokes etc. for our school magazine, “Anandee” by 17th January 2020



Circular for the month of November 2019

Circular – 12                                              For  Std. I to IV                                                                 Date : 01/11/2019

Welcome back, students! We hope, after a wonderful Diwali Vacation, you all are back with vigor and enthusiasm for the commencement of the II Term, with winter around the corner, we have the month of  November filled with concert practice and a load of exams. Lets peep into the month of November !

School Reopens on Monday, 4th November 2019.

Timings – 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. (for students).

Parents, please follow the PTM slots given in the calendar (11.30 a.m. to 1.35 p.m.)


Thursday, 14th Nov. 19Children’s day Celebration . Regular School, children to wear coloured dresses.
Tuesday, 19th Nov. 19Selection Round of  —–
 * Conversational skills (Std. I to II) Topics will be given on the spot. Children have to talk about given topic for 3 mins. Last date to enroll names.  Wednesday, 6th Nov. 2019.
 * English Elocution Competition (Std. III & IV)


Topics (Any) ( 3-5 min.)

1) Fit Hai toh Hit Hai India !

2) Real Heroes of India !

3) Boom or Bane ? – What’s App

Last date of enrolment for both the competitions is 6th Nov.

Friday, 22nd Nov. 19Final Round of —–  a) Conversational Skills.


b) English Elocution Competition.

Friday, 29th Nov. 19Month-end – Colour dress,  Regular School.


External Exams —-

Tuesday, 5th Nov. 19SOF’s  IEO
Friday, 8th Nov. 19UIEO
Wednesday, 20th Nov. 19National Essay Olympiad Indian Talent Exam (NESITO)
Thursday, 21st Nov. 19NSO
Friday, 22nd Nov. 19NAITO

* Submission of Science Project (working model) on Wednesday 6th Nov. 2019.

* Diwali Projects (class wise) submission on Thursday, 11th Nov. 2019.

NO HOLIDAY on account of Gurunanak Jayanti. Regular School on

Tuesday, 12th  Nov. 19






Please check the Diwali vacation home work given below –Home work should be submitted on Friday, 8th November 2019.
Std I Div. A and B
** With a view to enable better understanding we wish to compile a ‘Maths Kit’ which each child can use. Please help your child to collect the following objects for his / her ‘Maths Kit’. The kit must have –

1) Number cards with 0 to 100 written: You may use
old visiting cards. (One number on each card) 2) 9 buttons each of 3 different colours (big size)
3) 100 plastic ear buds. 4) 50 straws.(small)
5) 20 Ice – cream sticks / spoons. 6) Operation cards i.e.(+,-,×,÷,<,>,=) (Size as per No.1)
7) A bundle of wool / string & two shoe laces. 8 ) 10 small pencils. (old butts of pencils can be used)
9) 20 bangles, plastic / metal. 10) Cutouts of geometrical shapes.
11) A number line with nos. marked from 0 to 20 (Size : Long Ruler ) Made on a chart paper.

** Please put all the above listed objects in tiffin sized plastic box. The Maths kit should be labelled and brought to school.

Std II Div. A and B
1. EVS – Bring the information / write up with pictures on any ‘Invention’-
( Inventor, story, use/ impact on us etc.)
2. Maths – Make the model of clock with the arrangement of moving hands.
( Hour hand and minute hand)

Std III . Div: A and B
1. English
Write any two value based uncommon stories / poems.
Note : Read an uncommon story and then write a new story / poem based on that outline.
2. Maths
 Make a model of Clock (CD size)
 Measure the following objects in your house
1) Bathing bucket 2) Potatoes
3)Your any shirt or skirt 4) Milk Packet

Std IV . Div: A and B
Make a magazine with the following topics:-
Give a title/name for the magazine
 Jokes / Riddles
 Limericks / Crosswords
 Advertisements
 Proverbs and Idioms (10each)
 Famous saying (4)
 Value based stories (2)
 Map of a nearby fort
 Hygiene (importance)
 Famous roads in Pune and its information (5)
 Information + Pictures
a) Famous Scientist
b) Sportswoman
Drawing projects for std III and IV
2 Greeting cards 1/8 size super white paper, sleeping.
For Std III
Topic : Western musical instruments.
For Std IV
Topic : Cartoon funny animals in jungle.
(Medium outline with black permanent marker and color with sketch pen / pencil colors.


Terminal Time-Table

14 Oct 2019MondayEnglish I
15 Oct 2019TuesdayE.V.S.
16 Oct 2019WednesdayMarathi
17 Oct 2019ThursdayMaths
18 Oct 2019FridayEnglish II

Timings : 11:30 am to 1:30 pm


Circular for the month of October 2019

Circular– 11                              For  Std. I to IV                       Date : 01/10/2019


That time of the year – Academics in full swing with lots of holidays and celebrations in Diwali. The 1st Term ends ! Let’s take a look at the month of October.


Holidays :

Wed. , 2nd Oct. 19Gandhi Jayanti
Tues. , 8th Oct. 19Dassera
Mon., 21st Oct. to Sat. 2nd  Nov. 19Diwali Vacation



Thu., 3rd Oct. 19Bhondla Celebration –


(Children are allowed to wear coloured clothes)


Thu., 3rd Oct. 19  to Fri. 11th Oct. 19Internal Assessment –


Computer practical, Craft and P.T. Exams will be held during their respective periods in Internal Assessment week


Fri., 4th Oct. 19Drawing Exam



Sat., 5th Oct. 19Greeting Card Making Competition (Std. I to IV)


(Cut cards will be provided by school. Art Material

& Decorative material to be brought by the students)


Mon., 7th Oct. 19Dassera Celebration



Wed., 9th Oct. 19   &


Thd., 10th Oct. 19

Panti Painting Competition (Panti + Base Paint will be provided by school. Decorative Material and brush to be brought by the students.)


Lantern Making Activity.


Wed., 9th Oct. 19Sevak Sevika Day Celebration on account of Gandhi Jayanti



Mon. 14th Oct. 19 to Fri. 18th Oct. 191st Term  Evaluation




** Lunch will be served to the children on occasion of Diwali on Friday, 18th Oct. 2019. Please bring empty tiffins.

1) Diwali Project (Std. III & IV)  Science –  Any innovative working model.

Date of submission – 6th Nov. 2019.

2) School Reopens on Mon. 4th Nov. 19 –  Timings for students – 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.     

    and Parent – Teacher Meeting (PTM) – Refer to the calendar for slots.





Circular for the month of September 2019
Circular– 10                                                                                                       For Std. I to IV                                                                                                    Date : 03/09/2019

Ganpati Bappa Moraya ! We are eager and excited for the arrival of Lord Ganesha in our homes. A month packed with loads of holidays, various internal as well external competitions as well as our “Pancham” interschool competition, let us look into the month of September.

Holidays :

Monday, 2nd Sept. 2019       –   Ganesh Chaturthi
Thursday, 5th Sept. 2019     –   Gauri Avahan
Friday, 6th Sept. 2019          –   Gauri Poojan
Saturday, 7th Sept. 2019      –   Gauri Visarjan
Thursday,12th Sept. 2019    –   Anant Chaturdashi
Friday, 13th Sept. 2019        –    Next day of Anant Chaturdashi


Tuesday, 3rd Sept. 2019            – Ganesh Aarti
Monday,23rd Sept. 2019           – Selection round of
**Regional Language Singing Competition
Wednesday, 25th Sept. 2019     –  Final round of Regional Language Singing Competition
Monday, 30th Sept. 2019           –  Spring Cleaning

External Exams : (Only for enrolled students)
Tuesday, 17th Sept. 2019 – UCO Exam
Thursday, 26th Sept. 2019 – SOF – IGKO Exam.

**Regional Singing Competition- (Std. I to IV) Interested students to enroll their names with the respective class teacher by Monday, 9th Sept. 2019.
Any song from any language in India, Duration – 2 mins.




Circular for the month of August 2019
Circular– 8 For Std. I to IV Date : 01/08/2019

Dear parents,

“August” – named after the Roman military leader Augustus, it indeed is a royal and Augustine month. With our 73rd Independence Day just around the corner, our children are excited to put their best foot forward and give a glorious performance. Let’s have a look at the galore of activities and events in the month of August.

Holidays :
Monday, 12th August 2019 – Bakri Id


Thursday, 01st Aug. 2019 – Tilak Punyatithi
Saturday, 03rd Aug. 2019 – Final Round
– Show n’ Tell (Std. I & II)
– English Poetry Recitation (Std. III & IV)
Saturday, 03rd Aug. 2019 – First Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM)-
(Timings –Follow the slots given in school calendar)
Monday, 05th Aug. 2019 – Nagpanchami Celebration
Thursday, 8th Aug. 2019 – “Camel Art Drawing ” Competition (Std. I & IV)
Group A – Aquarium ( Marine world ) (Std. I & II)
Group B – Fun at school (Std. III & IV)
Wednesday, 14th Aug. 2019 – Raksha Bandhan Celebration.
Thursday, 15th Aug. 2019 – Independence Day –
Reporting time : 7.15 a.m.
Dress code – P.T. Uniform & P.T. Shoes
Tuesday, 20th Aug. 2019 to Friday, 23rd Aug. 2019 – Field Trip for Std. I to IV
(Details fill follow later)
Friday, 23rd Aug. 2019 – Gopal Kala Celebration
Friday, 30th Aug. 2019 – Spell Bee – 1st Round (Whiz National Spell Bee)
(For only the children who have enrolled)
Monday, 26th Aug. 2019 to Thursday, 29th Aug. 2019 UNIT TEST II—- STD. I TO IV

Maharashtra Pradnyashodh Pariksha (MPSP) – Exam will be conducted on 19th Jan. 2020. Interested students to enroll their names with the class teacher on or before Monday 5th Aug. 2019. Exam Fee+ Book—- Std. II – Rs. 270/- Std. III – Rs. 370/- Std. IV – Rs. 380/-

Chinmaya Bhagvad Geeta Chanting Competition – First round Sunday 15th Sept. 2019
Group – 2 – Std. I & II – shlokas 1 to 18 (Reporting Time – 11.00 a.m.)
Group – 3 – Std. III & IV – shlokas 1 to 27 (Reporting Time – 01.30 p.m.)
Venue – D.E.S. English Medium Secondary School.
Interested students to enroll with the class teacher on or before Monday 5th Aug. 2019 by paying Rs. 50/- Final Round Sunday 13th Oct. 2019.
*** From Chapter 1 —- Shlokas from 1 to 27 are uploaded on the web site.

The books for unified council are available in the market. Students who have enrolled for the exam can purchase on their own.


Our school is selected as center for S.S.C. exams. Please note the change in the school timing—
From Wednesday 17thJuly to Monday 29th July
Timing – 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm


S.P.M. English School, Pune

Holiday List  2019 – 20





1.Friday12.07.2019Ashadhi Ekadashi
2.Monday12.08.2019Bakri Eid
3.Monday02.09.2019Ganesh Chaturthi
4.Thursday05.09.2019Gauri Aavahan
5.Friday06.09.2019Gauri Poojan
6.Saturday07.09.2019Gauri Visarjan
7.Thursday12.09.2019Anant Chaturdashi
8.Friday13.09.2019Next day of Anant Chaturdashi
9.Wednesday02.10.2019Gandhi Jayanti
11.Tuesday12.11.2019Gurunanak Jayanti
13.Wednesday01.01.2020New Year
14.Wednesday15.01.2020Makar Sankranti










Diwali vacation











Winter break







Summer vacation begins






Circular for the month of July 2019
Circular– 4 For Std. I to IV Date: 01/07/2019

Dear parents,

The school has begun with a bang and we are sure the children must have settled in their new classes and gelled well with their new teachers as well. From this month onwards, the academics will begin with a sprint but of course not without some interesting competitions, activities and events. Let’s have a look at those.

Holidays :
Friday, 12th July 2019 – Aashadhi Ekadashi

Half days : (Timings 10.30a.m. to 1.10 p.m.)
Tuesday, 16th July 2019 – Guru poornima Celebration

Monday, 01st July 2019 – Result of Badge Holders
Saturday, 06th July 2019 – English Handwriting Competition (Std. I to IV)
Saturday, 06th July 2019 – ‘Best out of waste’ Competition (Std. I to IV)
(Children should bring empty old bottles, boxes, tins, old calendars, greeting cards, strings, printed cloth, fevicol, cello-tape, fevicol etc. for the competition. aste material)
Wednesday, 10th July 2019 – Aashadhi Ekadashi Celebration
Tuesday, 30th July 2019 – Selection Round of Competitions
Show n’ Tell – (Std. I & II)
English Poetry Recitation – (Std. III & IV)

Unit Test I — for std. I to IV – from Tuesday, 23rd July 2019
to Friday 26th July 2019.




Tomorrow Wed.26th June half day school till 2:20 PM, Regular School on 27th and 28 th June


Circular for the month of June 2019
Circular– 3                                                                   For Std. I to IV                                            Date: 03/06/2019

Dear Parents,
A very warm welcome to all parents as well as our dear students! After a blissful and relaxed summer, we’re sure our students are ready and super enthusiastic to take on a brand new academic year with energy, zest and sheer joy !
We’re sure, they all are eager for the school to start, enter a new class, meet their friends and new teachers ! So, here’s to a great beginning and fresh start of the academic year 2019 – 2020 !
Here are the holidays and activities for the month of June:-

Holidays :
Thursday / Friday, 27th or 28 th June 2019- Palkhi Arrival ( Subject to declaration )

International Yoga Day – Friday, 21st June 2019
Election for the Badge holders – Tuesday, 25th June 2019

School reopens on Monday,17th June 2019.
Timings- 11.30 a.m. to 2.20 p.m.
Reporting time for children – Mon. to Fri. 11.20 a.m. sharp and on Sat. 8.45 a.m. sharp.
Orientation : (Only one parent should attend)
Std. I & II – Wednesday 12 th June 2019.
Std. III & IV– Friday 14th June 2019.
Timings – 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Book sale will commence after orientation from 12.30 p.m. onwards

Please Note :

1. Due to the upcoming construction work of our new building, school will work from 11.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon only on 1st Saturday of every month. All other Saturdays will be holidays.
2. Children should wear P.T. Uniform on every Wednesday and on 1st Saturday. of every month and regular uniform on all other days. (I card is compulsory).
3. School will work full day (i.e. 11.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.) on all month end days. Children can wear comfortable coloured clothes on the month end days.
4. Students of std.I, II, III & IV should submit the books as per the instructions given by the class teacher.
5. The children coming by Rikshaw / Van are expected to board and alight in the open space near the B.Ed hall only. This is for the safety of our own students.
6. Please follow the instructions given to you from time to time to avoid any incidents during the ongoing construction work.
7. We expect your co-operation to have a great year together.

The syllabi of all Standards will be uploaded after the reopening day
