• The activities conducted in school are a great way for children to develop their social skills and learn how to work in a team.
  • These activities allow child the opportunity to explore different areas of interest, increase self-confidence, build leadership skills and even improve grades all while having fun!


26 january

Makar Sankranti

Prdanyashodh pariksha

yoga day


House Elections

fancy dress competition

Dahihandi celebration

Badge holder selection

Ashadhi Ekadashi Celebration

First Day Of School


First day of school
Jai bhavani!
Jai. Shivaji!
Chatrapati shivaji maharaj ki jai !

This year marks the glorious 350th anniversary of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Keeping this in mind,SPM English school,Pune had organised a mono act performance on Shivaji Maharaj’s childhood.
This show was presented to the students by a parent Mrs Sayali Joshi and it was witnessed by the students on the reopening day of the school
The act showcased the qualities of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj like honesty,courageous,
Curiousity,bravery,truthfulness,love for humanity and motherland etc.
It was a mesmerising event for the students as they enjoyed it thoroughly as the programme was lively,interactive,colourful and entertaining.


Election for the Badge holders was held on 31st June 2022. The Badge holder’s ceremony was held on Monday, 4th July 2022.

Elections for Badge holders

Badge holder’s ceremony

S.P.M. Badge Holders

  • The school conducts different activities, as these help students succeed in all walks of life than only in their academic endeavors.
  • Every activity holds its own significance in the development of students.